MVP Development: Build Your Minimum Viable Product Fast and Affordable

Need an MVP to test your business idea and get feedback from real users? We can help. Our experienced MVP developers can build a custom MVP for your startup or small business quickly and affordably. Contact us today to learn more.

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My idea was for a website to easily allow users to upload images and re-touch them automatically using AI, MVP.Contact helped me implement all the functionalities and launch my app.

Jeremy Smith

Jeremy Smith

Founder, Retouch AI

This Is The Process We Follow When Building Minimum Viable Products!

Identify Your Problem, Market, and Key Features

Week 1

The first step in building a successful MVP is to thoroughly understand the problem you are solving, your target market, and the key features that will make your product successful. In this phase, you will conduct market research to validate your idea and identify your target audience. You will also begin to develop a product requirements document (PRD) to outline the key features and functionality of your MVP.

Choose the Right Tech Stack and Build a UI Prototype for Your MVP

Week 2

Once you have a solid understanding of your MVP, you need to choose the right tech stack to build it. This includes selecting the programming languages, frameworks, and tools that you will use to develop your product. You will also create a UI prototype to visualize the user experience and get feedback from potential users.

Design, Develop, and Integrate APIs for Your MVP - Phase #1

Week 3

In this phase, you will begin designing and developing the core features of your MVP. You will also integrate any necessary APIs to provide additional functionality or connect your product to other systems.

Design, Develop, and Integrate APIs for Your MVP - Phase #1

Week 4

This phase continues the design, development, and API integration of your MVP. You will focus on completing any remaining core features and ensuring that your product is ready for testing.

Conduct Quality Analysis and Testing for Your MVP

Week 5

Before launching your MVP, it is important to conduct thorough quality analysis and testing to ensure that it is bug-free and meets all requirements. This includes both functional and non-functional testing, as well as usability testing.

Deliver and Launch Your MVP to the World

Week 6

Once your MVP has been thoroughly tested and approved, you are ready to launch it to the world. This involves making your product available to users and collecting feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Discovery Call, Signing Contract & Tech Stack Selection

Week 1 & 2

Design, Development & Third Party API Integration

Week 3 & 4

MVP Testing and Quality Analysis

Week 5

MVP Delivery & Customer Feedback

Week 6

We Make Use of the Following Tech, Third Party Services & APIs

We use a variety of technologies, third-party services, and APIs to build and deliver our MVP development services. This allows us to offer a wide range of features and functionality, and to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.

Next JS
Tailwind CSS
Ant Design
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud
React Native
OpenA AI

MVP Development

Why MVP Development Is Important & Why It Matters?

MVP Development: The Key to Validating Your Business Idea

MVP development is essential for startups and small businesses to test their product ideas and get feedback from real users before investing too much time and money.

Why MVP Development is Important for Startups

MVP development is a critical step for startups to validate their product ideas and get feedback from real users early on.

The Benefits of MVP Development for Small Businesses

MVP development helps small businesses reduce risk, increase customer satisfaction, and launch products faster.

MVP - Lead Manager Applicatiom

We Love to Build MVPs for the Following Categories:

App MVP: Launch Your App Idea to Success

Launch your app idea quickly and affordably with an app MVP. Test your app idea with real users and get feedback before investing too much time and money into development.

MVP Ideas: Invoicing App, Payments App, Lead Management App, Subscription App, Business Automation, Hiring, Job Portal, etc

AI MVP: Turn Your AI Vision into Reality

Turn your AI vision into reality with an AI MVP. Test your AI app idea with real users and get feedback before investing too much time and money into development.

MVP Ideas: Text to Image Generation, Existing Image Manipulation, Text Generation, Image Optimization, Chatbot, etc

Blockchain MVP: Build the Future of Business

Build the future of business with a blockchain MVP. Test your blockchain app idea with real users and get feedback before launching it to the public.

MVP Ideas: dApp Development, Smart Contract Development, Wallet Development, Web3 Payments, NFT Collections using AI, etc

API MVP: Unlock the Power of APIs

Unlock the power of APIs with an API MVP. Test your API idea with real users and get feedback before launching it to the public.

MVP Ideas: Form Submission API, Nudity Detection API, Notifications API, Image Generation API, SEO Analysis API, Image Restoration API, etc

The Most Common and Effective Features for Your Minimum Viable Product

When developing a minimum viable product (MVP), it is important to focus on the most common and effective features. These features will help you to validate your business idea and get feedback from real users quickly and affordably.


Direct Integration

We support multiple types of user authentication - Email & Password, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Magic.Link, Firebase, Supabase, etc


Direct Integration

We build backend using - Node JS, GraphQL, Next JS, Firebase, Supabase and more


Direct Integration

We work with the following databases - MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL Airtable, Google Sheets


Direct Integration

We build amazing, responsive and fast frontend UI using - React JS, React Native, Tailwind CSS, Next JS, Gatsby JS and more.

API Integration

Direct & Third Party Integration

We work with various different types of APIs - Firebse, Open AI, Metamask, Solidity, WalletConnect, Infura, Moralis, Hasura, Auth0, AWS, Netlify, Zapier, Sendgrid, Twilio and more.


Direct Integration

We work with multiple payment providers - Stripe, Paypal, Crypto Payments, Square and more.

Get Your MVP Designed, Developed & Delivered Within 6 Weeks!

Get Your MVP Designed, Developed & Delivered Within 6 Weeks!

Get your MVP designed, developed, and delivered in just 6 weeks with our expert team. We'll help you build the right product for your users, the first time, so you can start getting feedback and launching your product quickly and efficiently.

  • Fully Functional MVP
  • Delivered Within 6 Weeks
  • Fixed Price - No Additional Costs
  • SaaS, AI Tool, Decentralized App, Mobile App, Web App, Website, Directory, Extension, Smart Contract, API Integration, Job Portal, etc
  • You Own 100% Ownership
  • Free SEO (or) Paid Marketing Strategy

MVP Pack

$4,000 USD - $10,000 USD

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Secured Payments with & stripe

We Would Love To Work With You

What Our Clients Say About Us:

“I reached out to them for a MVP for interior marketing platform and within 6 weeks they delivered the platform. They helped me setup and host the application as well.”

Derirck Jones

CEO, Interior.Marketing

“I had an idea for Crypto token generator, They build the entire app within 3 weeks complete with smart contract and wallet integration.”

Sunil Mathew

Owner, ERC-20 Token Generator

“From idea to product, We launched MVP.Contact within 2 weeks with minimal features required.”

Dhruv Kumar

Founder, MVP.Contact